Board gives the green light and Seaplanes could soon be flying from Miami
June 29, 2019Seaplanes could soon be flying from downtown Miami waters after plans for the Seaplane Base were recently approved. The project includes a 44,838-square-foot terminal, a 3,600-square-foot hangar, and 51 parking spaces. A current building on the site will become a restaurant.
Last week, Miami’s Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board voted in favor of the plans. The legal dispute over the development has also been settled, informed the website
The Miami Seaplane Base was established in 1919 before the adoption of the first Zoning Code of the City of Miami in 1934. It was recognized as an existing public airport by the State of Florida in 1947 and incorporated into the National Airspace System in 1959 by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Chalk’s Airline Inc. and Nautilus Enterprises will operate the new terminal, with Kobi Karp as the architect.