Trump, Clinton battle for Florida could mean winner takes all
September 30, 2016The biggest admission from voters in this year’s presidential election has been the fact that both candidates are hugely unpopular with many demographics , namely, Hispanics, blacks, women and young people whose votes are critical in winning the White House. According to election voting records, Florida voted for the winning presidential candidate 75.86 percent of the time and has had a 100% accuracy rate in the last decade. Florida is considered an absolute must win for the Presidency.
In South Florida, supporters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, who’ve both visited the state several times this year, are frantically campaigning for votes in the upcoming Presidential election. Democrat Hillary Clinton has almost five dozen offices throughout Florida; Trump by comparison has half that number but has ramped up his campaigning in the state to gain voters. The business man and the politician have been locked in an all out fight filled with party propaganda, smear campaigns and enough political fury to antagonize voters in every demographic and has led to mass confusion as to who will finish last. Although no one can fully predict the outcome or the impact of the race, Donald Trump’s visit to Miami on Tuesday, the night after the first 2016 Presidential debate, is a strong indicator that Florida’s Hispanic residents, the fastest growing population in the United States, will play a deciding factor in who wins the state with its 29 electoral votes, and possibly, the presidency. According to recent reports, the RealClearPolitics average of the seven most recent public opinion polls in Florida has Trump at 45.1 percent and Clinton with 44.4 percent — a difference of 0.7 points, and this slight edge continues to swing back and forth between candidates indicating that final results will not be a blowout by one party or the other.
How Florida Became a Battleground
Florida has always been a swing state and is the largest battleground state in the US comprised of a varied demographic of residents spread across South, Central and North Florida. Vastly diverse and with a population of over 20 Million, the state is divided by counties and demographics that present challenges in giving either candidate a clear cut advantage creating a major dilemma for Clinton and Trump, who are locked in a virtual tie. The overwhelming diversity of the state’s resident’s means unpredictability for candidates, since it’s rare for one party to win all demographics. South Florida primarily votes Democratic, while Northern Florida leans to the Republicans. Central Florida, however, can affect results greatly. As one of the biggest toss-up states, results could swing for either Hillary or Trump no matter how many times they visit or how much money they spend, thus creating the battleground effect.
Technically, the elections are determined by a simple choice; red or blue. Blue symbolizes the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and red for Donald Trump, the Republican candidate. On November 8th, 2016, each state on the US map will represent one color that determines the number of electoral votes each candidate has won. Some states have more electoral votes than others so it’s important for candidates to win the big states with the highest numbers. Winning Florida means collecting 29 of the 270 votes required for the presidency, and the stakes are high. The party in power, according to news reports, will ultimately affect many aspects of voters lives, as well as which way the Supreme Court will lean, who will be allowed into the country, how the nation will deal with foreign relations and trade, government policies and even how the financial and real estate markets will pan out for homeowners and investors.
South Florida –The Peoples Battleground
South Florida has been one of the most highly discussed and praised states in the media in recent years due to its virtual rise from the ashes of an economic downturn, high unemployment and housing crash. Now, with its record breaking real estate market, thriving economy and advancements in infrastructure and development, coupled with billions of dollars pouring into the state from wealthy foreigners and investors, the state has transformed as one of the fastest growing and most successful comeback states in history – and politicians and voters are well aware of what’s at stake. In a national survey of homebuyers report, 27% of participants believed that the outcome of the election with either candidate could negatively affect the housing market and job market; with 28% believing an alternative to both Hillary and Trump would be better.
The Latin population has grown tremendously over the years and in the predominantly successful real estate market, the most significant concerns for voters are expressed for the uncertainty of governmental policy, according to a survey of South Florida real estate professionals by Miami law firm Berger Singerman. The survey indicates that “future of foreign investment” (18 percent), “oversupply” (17 percent), “availability of credit and credit quality” (15 percent), and many other concerns have buyers on edge in this election and their votes will reflect that. This monumental election will certainly speak to the diversity in America, and in South Florida, and both Clinton and Trump have their work cut out for them on the road to the White House and after.